Elevate Your Game: Build an Authority Spectacle & Smash Limitations 🚧

You need an authority building strategy. But you also need a YOU strategy.

Hey Igniters,

Welcome to the first newsletter!


Let’s kick off with some TIME TRAVELING

Picture this… It’s 2018…

I’m cold calling hundreds of business owners every week. I’m drowning in bills, have a young family to provide for, and I’m desperately 😓 trying to generate sales…

But nothing’s working!

All I receive are empty promises and “Maybe next quarter.”

Now, fast forward to 2023…

I casually glance at my phone to find a couple of my books have sold, and a Hot Lead has landed in my inbox. 😁

What transformed between 2018 and 2023?

Absolutely everything.

  • I switched up my niche, product, and lead generation strategy (from outbound to authority-bound).
  • I leveled up my skills, diving into coaching, consulting, public speaking, writing, and strategic relationship building.
  • I revamped my mindset, attitude, and standards—banishing that “Stinkin Thinkin.”

This last point was a game-changer…

It drastically enhanced the outcomes I achieved and cut out a ton of unnecessary noise that was holding me back.

For instance: This week, a sales guy was rude to me while I negotiated the price of a product I needed for my business.

OLD ME —> would’ve wasted energy dwelling on the situation — “How can I outsmart this bad sales guy?”. Or I would’ve reacted poorly and failed to accomplish my primary goal.

NEW ME —> took a strategic approach. I zeroed in on my mission, completed the task, and swiftly moved on. His rudeness is his problem, not mine. And there’s no way I’d let it derail me from fulfilling my mission.

Now, you might be thinking…

“Andrew, why are you telling me all this?”

Because simply having a winning ‘authority’ building strategy isn’t the whole picture.

To genuinely succeed and shatter that glass ceiling (oh, it’s real), you need a winning ‘you’ strategy.

It’s time to evolve and elevate your thinking.

(Just by being here, you’ve already taken that first step… so kudos to you! 🎉)

Don’t get me wrong—I’m still a work in progress…. But I’ve transformed significantly in the past 5 years, and I’m convinced my current success is due to those changes.

🎓 Empowering Lesson:

To unlock extraordinary results in life, it’s crucial to elevate our personal standards.


 Hollywood Movies & Your Authority Spectacle

Ever noticed how Hollywood movies get free publicity, raving fans, and word-of-mouth? Your success as an authority will accelerate if you do the same.


By building a Spectacle of Authority.

It’s when you amass a huge, shiny mound of authority in one niche, so people can’t help but find you, talk about you, and ask for your help.

Here are 10 ways to Build your Authority Spectacle:

  1. Write a book
  2. Star in 50+ podcast episodes
  3. Host 50+ podcast episodes interviewing niche experts
  4. Write 100 blogs
  5. Create a niche YouTube channel
  6. Produce a documentary
  7. Host live events and workshops
  8. Publish articles in industry publications or guest post on influential blogs
  9. Develop an online course or training program (collect social proof)
  10. Create an engaging newsletter or email series and utilize social media platforms effectively

Start small, and grow from there. Books are magic—consider writing one first!

✨ Action Step: What would your Authority Spectacle look like without obstacles? Spend five minutes reflecting on it; it could be life-changing.

(FYI: I’ll talk about my book writing process in another newsletter.)


Finally… a note on GLASS CEILINGS

The truth is: some folks and elements of society don’t want you to win.

Why, you ask?

  • They’re insecure, and your success makes them feel lousy about themselves.
  • They’re driven by fear.
  • They worry your triumph will diminish their social status.

But… guess what?


You determine your results and how far and fast you travel.

Stick with me, and I’ll help you forge an authoritative hammer 🔨 to smash through that glass ceiling and create the impact you’ve been dreaming about.

Take it from me: the smarter and more strategic you are about building your authority, the higher you’ll soar.

You got this, champ.

Let’s rock and roll!


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