Interstellar Business Show​

With Andrew Bull

Podcast for Technology CEOs and their teams.

It's time to grow your mind, elevate performance, and own your future 🚀

Interstellar Business Show​

Podcast for Tech CEOs who want to grow their minds, elevate performance, and own their future.

Freaky leadership: Paulina Tenner on unlocking your inner super powers


Special Guest
Paulina Tenner - entrepreneur, Angel investor, upcoming author

Episode Introduction

Paulina Tenner believes…

“If you are ‘normal’, you’re not powerful.”

Why should you care?

1) powerful leaders build stronger relationships with others.

2) powerful leaders (and their brands) get more attention from the people they need.

In today’s episode, we’re look at why (and how) leaders and brands should embrace their unique and freaky personalities.

Listen and unleash your inner super powers!

Paulina Tenner – entrepreneur, Angel investor, upcoming author

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More about Paulina Tenner… entrepreneur, Angel investor, upcoming author

To learn more about Paulina’s investment thesis and leadership framework pre-order her new book here

To connect and discover more about her head over to LinkedIn or Twitter/IG @paulinatenner


Please note, this transcription is autogenerated, so there may be errors.


Andrew Bull: Can you relate to this? You want to stand out on LinkedIn and get more attention from the right people. So you invest time writing a post for LinkedIn. The kind of posts that’s intelligent, thought provoking and engaging. When your post is finished, you think this is brilliant. I’m so proud of this piece of thought leadership.

But then the fear starts creeping in. You start worrying about other people’s thoughts and opinions. What if I offend someone with my ideas? What if it’s too different? What if people disagree with me? So you start editing your post. Watering down the valuable, unique content that you’ve written into something bland and uninteresting.

Something that won’t capture anyone’s attention or be a platform for your insights and expertise.

Do you know what really sucks about this situation?

If you’re the kind of person or business that’s watering [00:01:00] down, their LinkedIn posts. You’re probably also doing the same thing with your email newsletter, your adverts, your talks and your presentations. You’re probably choosing the safe and bland option on every marketing channel. You’re probably choosing to prioritize safety over growth and impact.

Now I’m speaking from experience because I’ve done this exact thing. I’ve invested time, crafting content for LinkedIn. Then looked at what everyone else was doing. Those people who were playing it safe. And then inspired by their safety and caution. I’ve decided to water down my ideas. And make them safer.

Do you know what happened? My bland and safe, LinkedIn posts made little impact. They were mainly ignored by people. It was only when I decided to get out of my comfort zone to be true to myself and let my ideas rip that I [00:02:00] started to gain attention on linkedin

In today’s episode, we’ll look at why you, the business leader and your brand should be a bit braver and more courageous with your marketing and communication.

To do that.

I’ve invited on the show, Paulina Tenner, who is an entrepreneur, angel investor, and newly published author.

In this episode, you’ll learn why being different is so powerful. How to get started with embracing your uniqueness. Paulina’s unique and open approach to company finances and much, much more.

Now before we get started and meet Paulina, please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you’re listening today. So you never miss an episode again.


Andrew Bull: [00:03:00] today I’m joined by Paulina Tenner. Welcome to the show.

Paulina Tenner: Thank you, Andrew. It’s a pleasure to be on the show. Thanks for inviting me.

Andrew Bull: I know you’ve come on the show to talk about normal, or in fact how it can be powerful, not to be normal as a business leader or a brand. Is that right?

Paulina Tenner: I believe that if you’re normal, you’re not powerful.

Andrew Bull: Okay, let’s hold that thought for a moment.

Because we’re definitely going to get into this.

and I’m interested in how businesses and CEOs can become more powerful. And I think our listeners are going to want to know that, but before we do that, I want to dig in and find out a little bit more about Paulina Tenner.

And we’re going to do that by moving to our first segment of the show.

[00:04:00] In this segment of the show, we ask our guest to share a lighthearted fact or secret about themselves. Paulina, what have you got to share with us?

Paulina Tenner: Ooh. So what I’m going to say is that, I used to strip on stage as a burlesque show girl.

Andrew Bull: Wow. That’s quite a different secret to the ones that we normally have on the show.

Paulina Tenner: I’m not normal, Andrew. I’m not normal. I walk the talk.

Andrew Bull: I love it. You certainly do walk the talk. How has that experience informed your approach to business and investing?

Paulina Tenner: It’s really changed my leadership style. It helped me develop as a leader, embracing my wild side, embracing my creativity, embracing my kind of risque, uh, extraordinary, um, Attention whore [00:05:00] side has really changed me so much so that I actually have written a book about it, which is out very soon.

So a really in a significant way,

Andrew Bull: We might as well get the book plug in now, rather than circling back around to it. What’s the name of the book?

Paulina Tenner: The Book is called Laid Bare. What the business leader learned from the stripper.

Andrew Bull: I believe that’s out soon. So do go and check that out and we’ll tell you a little bit more about that later in the show.

When we talk about taking risks, is taking risks something very important to leadership and growth?

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely, but it’s not just taking risks in terms of business. It’s also taking risks in terms of really getting to know. And understand and truly own yourself and different parts of yourself.

That’s risky, that’s difficult, that’s challenging. And it’s those risks that we need to embrace — I believe more than anything else — to become truly powerful. [00:06:00]

Andrew Bull: Okay. And we’re going to get into what it means to own your future, and own yourself later in the show. Let’s jump forward into the next segment where Paulina is going to share her big idea. It’s

where our guests share a contrarian idea or a different way of doing something or looking something that will grow your mind or your business.

So Paulina, what’s your big idea that you want to share with our CEOs who are listening.

Paulina Tenner: My idea is that if you are normal, you’re not powerful. So don’t be normal. Don’t be ordinary.

Andrew Bull: In what context are we placing this idea? Do you mean just completely in business? Do you mean on LinkedIn when you’re doing social posts? What’s the context.

Paulina Tenner: I would say totally in totality of what you do as a leader. And obviously [00:07:00] that involves business. That involves how you present yourself. That involves like who you are, your identity, if you’re not embracing parts of yourself that are original, different, weird, maybe awkward sometimes you are not really tapping into your true potential and true power as a leader.

Andrew Bull: What convention do you think you’re going up against with this idea, that if you’re normal, you’re not powerful.

Paulina Tenner: Good question. So there is a specific very particular status quo when it comes to business in terms of how we should behave, how we should present yourself. I sometimes refer to it as old boys club. You know, most people on LinkedIn for example, have very professional, I’d refer to it more as kind of stiff and closed off, not in touch with their vulnerability, not really very authentic. [00:08:00]

So what I’m trying to say is don’t fit in, fit out instead.

Be prepared to be vulnerable, be prepared to be your authentic self. And that includes your quirks and your weird hobbies. Like my burlesque . That’s what it takes to be really powerful, to be in touch with those parts of you and to be able to tap into the potential that they hold.

Andrew Bull: And to be prepared, I suppose, to share that with other people in a slightly more open way than people might be used to doing?

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. Definitely.

Andrew Bull: Because I notice as well on LinkedIn that people really hold back and are afraid to jump into a conversation or give an opinion, because they feel like, perhaps they’re going to be judged.

Paulina Tenner: I said I have to present my professional facade and that is really boring and that is, just really unengaging. [00:09:00] And nobody wants to talk to your professional facade. People want the authentic, you, you know, with your vulnerabilities, with your dark side, with your weird side. That’s, what’s really interesting and engaging.

Andrew Bull: Is there something about how stock photography shows people in a very conservative, formal way, and actually very few of us like traditional stock photography, do we, because it’s just so square, and conformist ,and it looks so staged and not real. So is this a kind of idea where tapping into.

Paulina Tenner: I think it’s a really good analogy. Stock photography, just annoys people, they know that. Y’know. Call us today. And there’s like a friendly, happy phase of this beautifully made up woman with her headphones in, that’s bullshit. That’s not representative on the other side of the phone actually looks like.

They’re probably somewhere in India, and they are in a tiny office. And they’re [00:10:00] working super long hours. So if you see that stock photography, there’s going to be a sense of distrust towards that business, there’s going to be like, Um, okay.

Whereas there are businesses and I’ve seen businesses out there that say this piece of soap was made by Ben, and a little picture of Ben and I smiled when I saw it.

I think it was lush or one of those brands where I bought a piece of soap from them. And , it just made me smile because I was like, yeah, I can believe that that soap, it was actually made by this bearded guy, I liked it. It just makes me happy knowing who made this thing for me.

Andrew Bull: Yeah, it just kind of humanises things and connects you to the real people rather than having that veneer. I like to think of it as a gloss that becomes a bit of a barrier between us and other people when everything’s so shiny and perfect. It’s a bit like going into an old man’s pub.

I quite like a rough and ready pub. Because I can go in there and be comfortable and [00:11:00] relaxed. I don’t have to worry about scuffing things up, whereas when everything is so perfect, sometimes it’s hard to relax and maybe that’s the same thing here with this glossy normal, that it’s hard for other people that you’re trying to engage with to be themselves.

So everyone ends up in this inauthentic dance of not building proper relationships. Am I just talking craziness or is this making any sense?

Paulina Tenner: This makes a lot of sense, and you can’t really build a relationship, on a professional facade or the corporate persona is going to be a pretend relationship. There’s going to be no real trust, no real interest. That might be a kind of shallow conversation about playing golf or who’s got the more expensive, like whatever it is, but there’s going to be no authenticity and no real meaningful connection.

And this is what it’s all about, you know, about human. Connection. That’s what business is about. That’s what fascinates me about doing business.

Andrew Bull: And also smaller businesses. There is an [00:12:00] advantage of being able to be more real and authentic and not have to be as glossy as the big companies have to be. Because actually, if you look at a lot of the content that does really well on platforms like LinkedIn, it’s a bit more rough and ready.

It’s not been shot with a 5 million pound budget. It’s been shot by someone in the room or on a webcam and cost $10 to put together. From a marketing perspective, I think it can be actually really powerful not to add all that gloss on. Is that something that you do with your work at grant tree, with your marketing, you try and not do it to polished.

Paulina Tenner: I would say , yes. The way we try to relate to our customers, to our partners, is, in a bit more authentic way, in a bit more kind of wholesome way. So yeah, that would definitely be part of it. But first and foremost, we are more authentic and more vulnerable in relationships with one another.

There are all sorts of [00:13:00] conversations going on in my office about dating about all sorts of things, really that people may be in corporate offices. Don’t talk about because we like the idea of bringing your whole self to work.

Andrew Bull: So if CEOs and tech companies who are listening to this show right now, want to start embracing this idea of not being normal, how can they get started? What are the first steps they can take?

Paulina Tenner: I think the first step is being really in touch with yourself and what it is that you like and enjoy. And perhaps there is a part of you that you’ve forgotten or neglected because of your career in business. The more you can own that really discover different parts of yourself, the more powerful you will be as a leader and as a human being in general.

Andrew Bull: I guess because also you’ll start being the purple cow as Seth Godin says, the cow that stands [00:14:00] out amongst all the other cows. It could be a really powerful thing for you from a personal branding and a business branding perspective as well.

What should we call this un normal then Paulina?

Paulina Tenner: I think I’d refer to it as unique. So what I’d say is embrace your unique, embrace your freak.

Andrew Bull: Cool. And if being unique and freak helps me become more powerful, what would you say is the power that I’m actually getting through being a bit more freaky and a bit more uniki?

Paulina Tenner: You are just so much more interesting to communicate with so much more interesting to do business with. Just a massive competitive advantage.

Andrew Bull: And how does your business help CEOs and tech companies take first steps with this idea?

Paulina Tenner: Part [00:15:00] of what I do is speaking and I can definitely inspire and empower your people to be more unique and bring their whole selves to work.

Andrew Bull: Fantastic. Because I think sometimes we end up just repressing ourselves and holding back, actually that value that we have the value that makes us appear a bit different or maybe some of this comes from school.

At school you can get picked on for being different. So you try and blend into the background a bit and maybe that’s something we carry forward. In fact, it probably is because a lot of our formative ideas and beliefs and values about the world are formed by the age of eight and then a little bit more up into our teenage years where we’re really imprinted upon.

So it kind of doesn’t surprise me that people hold back because school can be a tough environment. We probably take that idea forward of repressing, who we are to protect ourselves. And we take it forward into the business world, but what we actually really [00:16:00] need to realize. Is that what might have been a strength when we were young, perhaps, is actually starting to become a weakness as we get older, because it’s making us blend into the background and making it harder for people to spot and see the value that we have to offer.

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. And particularly big corporate companies expect you to a degree to put that professional mask on. And that is really sad because as the years goes by you become that persona. Or you become that mask that you put on. There is no longer the quirkiness, the, the uniqueness of you as a human being. And so , I’m really a massive advocate of bringing your whole self to work because of it.

Andrew Bull: Yeah, unlock all your value and unlock all of you. I think that’s a great thought. Let’s move on to the next part of the

show So In this part of the show, our guests shares an idea [00:17:00] that will help improve your business performance, your team performance, or your culture.

I know that your company has a slightly different take on financials. Now I’ve worked in many companies where there’s a clear divide between the people who know what’s really going on in the business, and the other people who work in the business, is your approach very different then?

Paulina Tenner: What we do, we have internally transparent company financials. So all our people know exactly what the company is making, what the company is spending money on, what each other earn.

Even more, they’re actually empowered to set their own salaries, according to a process that we’ve, put together, and according to the market conditions, according to what they’re worth in the job market , and to, what the company can afford.

Andrew Bull: Does anyone ever volunteer to give themselves a pay cut based on [00:18:00] market conditions then?

Paulina Tenner: It’s a really good question. So we’ve had that situation. A lady was transitioning from one department. So as an account manager to a different department, as a marketing exec, and, she was more junior in marketing. She didn’t have much experience, she wanted to develop professionally more in that direction.

And it was justifiable for her to be paid less because she decided to switch to a different department, and into a more junior role.

Andrew Bull: That’s cool because I suppose it might be easy to think. Oh yeah, our team members, will happily vote for a pay rise, but they would never vote for a pay cut. I’m sure that’s what a lot of our listeners would be thinking.

It must’ve taken a bit of courage when you first did this and you first opened up the books.

What’s the benefit to opening up your books. Why did you choose to do that? What would really attract our listeners to want to do the same?

Paulina Tenner: So it’s massively empowering for people, to [00:19:00] know that the company doesn’t hold any secrets, it just really evens out, any potential gender pay gaps or socioeconomic pay gaps, because salaries adjust, to a point where they’re fair across the board. So there’s just multiple benefits and people feel so much more trusted as adults that they are in the workplace, if they have access to parts or the entirety of the company’s financial information.

Andrew Bull: So would you say the key benefits were to dowith morale and attraction and retention of team members, or is there something else?

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. And because of it also competitive advantage, because not many other workplaces will be like yours , and that means , candidates are more attracted, quality candidates are more attracted to working with you, but also that clients will consider, the culture that you have as really interesting and will be drawn to you, more [00:20:00] so than to your competitors.

Andrew Bull: Because I suppose this is something you can use in your branding or the communication around your business as well.

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. Of course you can.

Andrew Bull: What would be the way our leaders can get started with this?

Paulina Tenner: So I would say start small, perhaps share bits and pieces of company’s financial information in one-to-one meetings, perhaps get salaries evened out. Eliminate any pay gaps so that you can consider making salaries, public, and open for everybody to see.

Andrew Bull: That’s great advice. Thank you for sharing that Paulina. Let’s jump forward now into the next segment of the show .

In this segment of the show, our leaders and visiting experts share advice that will help you and your team live smarter.

I know that health and fitness is a big focus of yours these days [00:21:00] Paulina. Why is that?

Paulina Tenner: I think investment in myself absolutely must come first for me to really perform and make a kind of difference in the world I’d like to make. So I’ve got a, new diet and fitness regime, or just started on it in September. I’ve got a therapist, I’ve got somebody who is about to start coaching me, I’ve got a personal trainer. I’ve got a whole network of people that are kind of there to hold space for me and help me develop as a leader and as a human being, and I really cherish that, I think everybody should have that support network comprised of both friends and professionals who are there to look after different elements of your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Andrew Bull: Is there something that led to this change or improvement in your approach to your health and fitness?

Paulina Tenner: I actually have suffered from mental health difficulties, depression, anxiety on and off for [00:22:00] years. I also used to suffer from eating disorders. My wellbeing used to be one of the last items on my priority list. I was so engrossed by the business I was growing. It was so important for me that, that business performs. But I really forgot myself and made very little time to connect with myself.

So now I’ve just reevaluated things and what’s really important to me. And definitely looking after myself, self-care is one of my top priorities these days.

Andrew Bull: It’s so important to. Value ourselves and not just value our business or the idea that we’re working on because without having a solid health foundation, then you can have all the big ideas in the world. But if you’re not well enough to execute any of them, it’s all kind of going to be much more of a struggle.

I think you make great point there. And Are there are any daily habits that you’re practicing, like meditation or anything [00:23:00] like that. That’s helping you.

Paulina Tenner: I do meditation and prayer every morning and journaling most mornings as well. Which really helps keep me grounded and start the day with something which is about me. And it’s about me time. I exercise daily as well. That’s really important part of my life these days. And I make sure to make quality time for my loved ones.

So my husband in particular, make time per conversation to eat together, make sure that we’re not just passing each other by, in our lives, but we’re actually spending some quality time together.

Andrew Bull: That’s great to hear, because those days can fly by and before you know it, you haven’t actually sat down and had a conversation with each other for days or weeks. All, too easy.

Let’s jump forward into the next segment of the show [00:24:00]

This is where our guest or leader who’s joining us today, shares their vision for their future. And also perhaps some of the challenges they’ve faced on the way.

Paulina, how are you balancing the present, what you’re working on today and the future? What you’re moving towards.

Paulina Tenner: So I make sure that, I’m looked after today in this moment, that I have resources, support network, to get me through the next week, the next month. But also I dream, I envision, the moment I’m looking into starting, an investment fund that would fund early-stage startups and that’s a big dream and that’s something I’m preparing for. So hopefully that’s what the future holds for me. So there is some element of having a clear vision and goals, but also kind of listening in like leaning in [00:25:00] and surrendering to what the wisdom of life might bring your way.

I’m just trying to balance both of these approaches.

Andrew Bull: And you’ve also spoken about how important it is to own yourself. And know yourself to help you unlock your future. Can you explain a little bit more about.

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. I make sure I have time to explore my quirks and my hobbies. I make sure that I have time for riendships. I make sure I have time to kind of connect to myself on a deeper level so that I can continue to know myself as I change over the months and years. So, absolutely that, that connects to my big idea of, if you’re normal, you’re not powerful.

Andrew Bull: That’s really cool. I love that.

What, I’d like to talk to you about is your investment fund, because I think that’s [00:26:00] quite a big, juicy idea that our audience would be quite interested in, the idea that someone can just set up an investment fund. Well, I’m sure you can’t just set up an investment fund. What does this look like for you as your big vision.

Do you see yourself in some big silver tower in the sky? At some point dishing out money to thousands of startups or does it look a bit different to that?

Paulina Tenner: Definitely no silver tower. I love working from cafes. I love being mobile. I love being on the move. I don’t like being kind of chained to my desk in some big corporate office. I imagine a small team, maybe 10, maybe 15 people working together, finding the most exciting opportunities out there to invest in, to do with web 3 technologies.

So crypto ,blockchain, that’s what we’re looking to focus on. And really providing those startup founders with the means to really explore that vision and the [00:27:00] dents they want to make in the world. And that’s something that’s really exciting to me.

Seeing those startups grow and develop being part of their success.

Because it’s all about the talent that’s out there. I fully believe that if we can tap into the talent that we already have globally, we are in a position to solve all manners of environmental, social crisis that we’re dealing with. It’s just the matter of finding the people who have the ideas and helping them make them reality.

Andrew Bull: What are the steps that you’re taking now to make your vision come true?

Paulina Tenner: So I’m educating myself about the crypto space. I’m talking to quite a few people in that space. I am looking to deploy some of my own capital as well as an angel investor to invest in web three projects to build up some track record and to learn more about the space. So I’m learning everyday.

Andrew Bull: And learning is so important, isn’t [00:28:00] it? If we want to move forward and get to this brighter future. Then unless we’re open to learning and trying new things and being receptive to new ideas, then it’s very hard to make these new things come to us, right?

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. I couldn’t agree more.

Andrew Bull: Was there a time in your past when you weren’t as receptive and open to ideas like you are now?

Paulina Tenner: I think so. Yes. So I used to kind of believe that I need to fit in with the old boys club myself.

I used to believe that, if I am a woman who is going to succeed in a male dominated industry, which tech is, I need to be more like my male colleagues, I need to be ruthless, I need to be not particularly in touch with my feminine side, which we all have, men and women, by the way, I used to be very kind of masculine focused.

So, masculine is the domain of logic, of reason, of kind of [00:29:00] competitiveness. So I used to be very much in my masculine leadership center, as opposed to my feminine leadership center and being in your feminine is about being open. It’s about listening. It’s about embracing what is. It’s about the wisdom of what the moment can bring us.

So definitely I’ve changed. And part of that change was my burlesque dancing.

Andrew Bull: That was a trigger for you. Was it then?

Paulina Tenner: It was definitely one of the triggers. Yeah. So I’m not trying to advocate that everybody should start stripping on stage, but find your, or your own quirks, find your own uniqueness and embrace that. And own it.

Andrew Bull: I think before many of us make a shift in perspective, a big one. We’re often pushed. Or maybe not a push, but there’s certainly a sizable change or something different that happens that kind of jolts us sometimes to shift perspective. Maybe it doesn’t have to be as big as becoming a burlesque dancer, or maybe getting [00:30:00] divorced or maybe realizing that you hate your job.

Maybe it can just be that you need to start doing things that are more out of your comfort zone. Which help you think a bit differently? What’d you think?

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. Absolutely. I think it’s all about taking those risks. So what we talked about at the beginning, stepping out of your comfort zone, taking the risk of truly knowing, understanding, embracing who you are that is a bigger risk very often then risk-taking you might face in your investment or business decision.

Andrew Bull: In a way, when we put it like that, if you were to invest a million pounds and lose a million pounds, it would be bad, but recoverable, I’m not talking about you and your business Paulina, I’m just talking from a more philosophical perspective.

But if I spend my whole life holding myself back and not really being myself, maybe [00:31:00] that kind of bankruptcy is alot worse.

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. Absolutely. You missing out on your most fulfilled, most interesting life that you could have. By holding back, by putting up your professional facade because everybody else is doing the same, you’re missing out on the richness that life has to offer on the big adventures that you could have, on the delights that could be your everyday life.

Andrew Bull: Hundred percent. And I also think, if that’s where you are, you could be limiting yourself in terms of your values and beliefs, which actually could be having an impact not only on your life and what you achieve as a person or in your relationships, but also what you can achieve in your business.

Because if you’re quite limited in how you think about things, and you’re not open and receptive, and you’re afraid of risks and being who you really are.

Then that’s probably going to carry through to your business and make things more [00:32:00] challenging for you, make it harder for you to be open to conversations with your team members about innovative new ideas, that can make you more money and bring you more customers.

So this whole idea of being open and authentic and more risk taking, isn’t just something about character building or it’s nice to do on the weekends when you’re doing your hippy drippy yoga thing.

This is a real business thing as well.

Paulina Tenner: Absoloutely. Totally. It’s an everyday thing.

Andrew Bull: Yeah. Brilliant. Let’s jump forward to the last segment of the show where we’re going to give you some action steps that you can take. So you don’t just listen and learn. You also go away and put into practice what Paulina has shared today.

So what big takeaways do you want tech leaders to remember about your big idea? What the most important things that if they go home and have 10 pints of lager tonight, and can’t remember anything else, you [00:33:00] want them to wake up and remember in the morning.

Paulina Tenner: Don’t be normal ever. Don’t fit in. You only going to find your true personal power if you fit out, if you embrace your uniqueness, and also go against your fears and instinct. For example, in terms of financial secrecy, which many businesses practice and discover what lies on the other side.

Andrew Bull: So if people want to learn more about you Paulina, where can they go to?

Paulina Tenner: First and foremost, check out my book. Which might be the most quirky and unique business book you’ve read. To pre-order simply go to Paulina forward slash book. And that will take you to the book pre-order page and Paulina is my own personal website. Where you can get in touch with me, read a little bit more about what and who I am.

And I would love to [00:34:00] hear from you.

Andrew Bull: Thanks for sharing that with us Paulina and really appreciate you coming on the show and hope to see you again soon.

Paulina Tenner: Absolutely. It’s been a pleasure and I would love to stay in touch with you as well as some of our listeners.


Andrew Bull: I had great fun today. Chatting with Paulina. Her idea that if you’re normal, you’re not powerful is one that really connects with me. As Paulina says, if we want to be powerful, we need to embrace our unique and our freak. We need to stop chasing the safe route when it comes to expressing ourselves and start being open to who we really are.

Because if we don’t, we’re placing huge barriers between us. And the people we serve. Both perfection and blandness can be barriers to communication. They can prevent the people you need from [00:35:00] connecting with your business. Why is perfection? Uh, barrier. Well, it’s hard to relate to things that are perfect.

We might like looking up perfect women and men and advertising.

But for most first they are other something separate from us. Something that we can’t develop a relationship with something that will remain at a distance. Which is the exact opposite of what B to B leaders need to do. They need to make it as easy as possible for people to develop a relationship with their business. So my big lesson today,

Make sure. I’m talking to my audience in a really honest and authentic way, and that I’m not failing my audience by delivering a message, which is too glossy or bland. That I’m doing all I can to help connect my audience with the value that my business offers. And I think that’s the lesson that you should take away from [00:36:00] today as well.

Now if you haven’t already done so. Hit that subscribe and follow button wherever you’re listening today. Thanks for being here. Have courage. Own your future. Take action.



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