In an AI-dominated world, the most successful companies will be led by inspiring human beings. As artificial intelligence continues to grow in the workplace and becomes more advanced, it’s important for leaders to understand what that means for their company. In this blog post I’ll share 10 different ways to become a human leader in an AI world.
How can you become an inspiring and human leader in an AI world?
– Talk to people: Talking to others will help you see how work impacts them, which makes it more meaningful for both parties. A lot of communication signals get lost through email, so try and call people when you can.
– Ask for feedback: Do you wish your team members were more open to feedback? You can encourage this by giving feedback and asking for it. It’s not always easy to receive, but people will be more open if they know you’re willing to hear their thoughts too.
– Ask for help: No one is perfect and if you’re feeling overwhelmed or just want someone’s opinion on something, ask! Bonus – When you show team members that it’s okay to ask for help, they’ll be more likely to do the same.
– Give your brain a rest: It’s best to think of the brain like a muscle, it can only take so much without some recovery time. Taking a break from work is important for creativity and productivity. Bonus – when you stop thinking all the time, your subconscious is free to solve some of life’s tricker challenges.
– Feed up on positivity: If you feed your brain negativity, negativity is what you will get – worst of all, your negativity could infect your team and loves ones. Avoid reading too much news, and try to include more positivity in your day – whether it be from friends or social media.
– Be kind: It’s not always easy in a world where we’re surrounded by negative WhatsApp messages and people moaning about anything and everything, but it’s important that we take time out of our day to be grateful and show kindness towards others.
* Celebrate successes! It’s all too easy to skip past that winning feeling and move on to the next task or project. But it’s important for your own mental health (and that of your team) to take a moment every once in awhile. When someone has succeeded, take some time out of your busy schedule to congratulate them.
* Stay connected with people outside of work by making time in your schedule every week (or more often) just for socialising with people from your team, your network, or your friends. Pubs now sell great non-alcoholic beers — so there’s no need for an evening’s socialising to blow out your next day.
– Wake up early: I wake up at least an hour before work, and write or exercise for 30 minutes so that I feel productive even when everything is chaos. Doing this also reduces my stress and anxiety, although I can’t control every part of my day, controlling the start makes all the difference to my positivity and attitude.
– Try to get more sleep. Without a good night’s sleep, your brain is sluggish and you don’t make quick decisions or listen attentively to others. You’ll also struggle to get up early if you keep burning the midnight oil.
Final thoughts…on being a human leader in an AI World.
Eventually, AI will take over many jobs that don’t require creativity or empathy. So what does this mean for us humans? Well, if we want a brighter future where humans can do meaningful work in a creative economy, we need to think long and hard about our futures.